Build a simple online resume.

In this class you will learn how the basics of HTML/CSS as well as some basic components of the popular front end development framework, Twitter Bootstrap.

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Class Project

In the class project, you will learn how to create your very own personal web-based resume. The goal is to teach you the skills to build your very own resume and help you communicate with prospective employers, in a modern way.

No prior experience is required.

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Class Project Outline

Step 1 - Download Software

Step 2 - Install Software

Step 3 - Install and Setup Mamp

Step 4 - Setup Bootstrap File Structure

Step 5 - Structuring an HTML Document

Step 6 - Preview in a Local Environment

Step 7 - Adding our Javascript

Step 8 - Adding Simple Line Icons and Font Awesome

Step 9 - The HTML Mail To Function

Step 10 - Adding the Timeline images